Hearing aids are a true marvel of technology. Ultimately, they are nothing more than miniature computers that can be worn inconspicuously in the ear, and most importantly: hearing aids make life easier for the hearing impaired. Use your hearing aids every day in all weather. As our faithful companions and assistants, hearing aids are under a lot of stress: heat, dust and make-up as well as earwax and sweat can easily dirty the micro high performance computer and clog the microphone input or control microphone. To make sure your hearing aids work properly and for as long as possible, it’s important to hearing aids cleaning them regularly. Learn how and where to care for your hearing aids, where to store them and what to absolutely avoid here.

Maintenance tips for hearing aids.
Hearing aids are with us all day, they are everywhere and can do a lot. Regular cleaning is essential so that you can hear well and benefit from your hearing aids for a long time. You can do this yourself at home. They can also be professionally cleaned by an acoustician, but this is usually not necessary.
hearing aids cleaning.
Your ears should be really dry before using your hearing aids. Before replacing the batteries, wash and dry your hands and clean the battery cover to prevent dust buildup. Keep the battery cover open when the hearing aid is not in use. This will prevent moisture buildup and extend battery life. Every 3 to 6 months: Have your hearing care professional change the catheter. Water and moisture: Hearing aids are usually not waterproof, so they should not be worn while swimming, showering, or in a sauna. Do not leave your hearing aids in the shower, as moisture is harmful to your hearing aids.
How often should you clean your hearing aids?
Due to daily contamination, it is recommended to check your hearing aids for contamination on a daily basis, preferably once a day. By cleaning regularly, you can greatly extend the life of your hearing aids and keep them functioning properly for many years. At the end of each day, clean your hearing aid with a handkerchief or similar item and make sure that all skin (ear wax) is removed. Use a soft pad to clean, charge the batteries as well as insert and remove them. This will prevent damage from dropping the hearing aid. It is also easier to find small appliances if the fabric is monochromatic. Heat and temperature: If you wear a hat to protect your ears from the cold, you can also protect your hearing aids. Avoid excessive heat – for example, don’t leave your hearing aids in the car in summer. Cosmetics: Make sure that cosmetics such as makeup or hairspray do not get into your hearing aids. It is best to insert the hearing aid after using it. Radiation: Hearing aids should be removed for X-rays, MRI, or CT scans.
What is the best way to clean my hearing aids?
Since sweat can clog or block the microphone input and wax can clog the volume control, it is important to clean your hearing aids and remove the wax daily. You can easily perform regular cleaning yourself. It can also be professionally cleaned by your hearing care professional, but daily cleaning is not required. Here we give you some tips on the best way to care for your in-the-ear hearing aids or behind-the-ear hearing aids on a daily basis.
Cleaning in-the-ear hearing aids (ITE).
Wipe your in-ear hearing aid with a soft, dry cloth or a special damp cleaning cloth. You can get this information from Hansaton Hearing Ability Center. Make sure no liquid gets into the microphone or other openings. With in-the-ear hearing aids, a filter system ensures that no earwax enters the interior. This filter system should be changed regularly. Earwax, also known as cerumen, can also be removed with the small brush that comes with the device. Otherwise, a soft toothbrush is also suitable for removal.
Cleaning behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids.
For in-ear devices (BTE), the external speaker should be wiped down daily with a dry cleaning cloth. For this purpose, it is advisable to remove the fixation shield. You can read how to do this in the instructions for your hearing aid.
For more information on cleaning hearing aids.
It is advisable to check the hearing aid daily for visible dirt and wipe it carefully with a soft, slightly damp cloth. When cleaning, do not use any sharp objects, such as scissors or needles, but use a specially designed cleaning brush. Both in-ear and behind-the-ear: hearing aids cleaning are not too wet (never put them in the water!). Disinfect your hearing aids thoroughly with an antibacterial cleaning spray. Integrated brushes can even hear aids to clean hard-to-reach areas. It is recommended to wet a microfiber cloth or kitchen paper with a special disinfectant and wipe the hearing aids cleaning carefully with it. Place the sound tube and the earmold (earmould) in the cleaning beaker together with the special tablets. Thanks to the active oxygen contained therein, you can perform perfect hearing aids cleaning for each device. Do not use cleaning agents, alcohol, or detergents with corrosive substances hearing aids cleaning. as this can damage the electronic parts.
Drying and storing hearing aids.
After cleaning your hearing aid, dry all items thoroughly before putting them back in their original place. This is because moisture can cause damage and malfunction and shorten the life of your hearing aids. If the hearing aids are still wet, they should not be dried using a hairdryer, heater, microwave oven, or similar device, as the intense heat can soften the plastic parts and distort them and damage the technology. You can use a small air box, dry box, or dry bag for gentle drying. These can be obtained from your Hansardton Hearing Ability Center. It is usually recommended to store your hearing aids in a dry box at night to electrically dry them and to ensure better cleaning using UV light. Make sure the battery compartment is open and the hearing aid batteries are removed. Another way to dry hearing aids is to use so-called dry bags or dry cups. These use the chemical silica gel (also called silicone) to absorb moisture. Hearing aids are very sensitive to moisture, radiation, and heat, so they should be stored in a dry, clean place. Be careful not to keep them in the kitchen, bathroom, or near heaters. Specific locations out of the reach of children and pets make finding the device easier.
Spare batteries and accumulators.
Modern hearing aid technology can only operate properly with the correct batteries. Therefore, only special hearing aid batteries can be used. How long a battery lasts depends on the device, how long the battery wears out, and the size of the battery. Most batteries need to be replaced every 1-2 weeks. Therefore, it is useful to always store enough batteries and consider replacing them when traveling for long periods of time. Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place. Alternatively, there are now rechargeable hearing aids in use. When charged, they can provide up to 72 hours of listening pleasure.