We live in a world that is getting bigger and bigger and is increasingly damaging our hearing. Other causes may be inflammation, injury, disease, medication or damage after birth. In addition, hearing decreases with age. Today, about 46 million Americans over the age of 45 can hear only to a limited extent. More than 1 in 1,000 newborns suffers from congenital hearing loss. Hearing impairment is therefore the most common disorder among newborns. Experts estimate that one in five young people in the United States already has a hearing impairment.
can frustrate you.
Deafness should always be checked by a doctor, as it can also be the result of a serious illness. However, it is mainly an age-related phenomenon. more than one-third of people over 65 years of age have a hearing impairment. Even weak hearing loss can lead to problems in understanding spoken language so that the affected person begins to avoid conversation. A study by John Hopkins University (USA) a few years ago showed that hearing impairment can have such an impact on physical and mental health that affected people have to visit the hospital more often and even suffer more depression. The process is gradual, so hearing impairment is usually not noticed at all. However, a friend, co-worker, or relative is usually the first person to register the change. They notice that conversations suddenly become slow and labored, or give the impression that they are no longer being heard, or that the television is too loud. For the first problem, you often try to compensate for these problems, which is very tiring and exhausting. Loud environments become challenging because speech and sound tend to be distorted, unclear, unnatural, or dull. Quiet, high-pitched, and hard-to-hear consonants (such as F, S, or T) can be masked by louder, lower-pitched vowels A, O, and U. Speech intelligibility decreases slowly, initially only in noisy situations. Similar-sounding misunderstandings are inevitable.
Hearing impairment affects personality.
As part of the Swedish study, 400 people aged 80-98 years were examined over a six-year period. Their physical and mental condition, as well as aspects of personality (such as extraversion and emotional stability), were assessed every two years. Over those six years, the researchers found that while the participants remained emotionally stable, their social skills declined. Surprisingly, the researchers were unable to link personality changes to physical and cognitive changes. The only factor for which the researchers were able to make a connection was hearing loss. According to the researchers, the results suggest that hearing loss directly affects the social situation and quality of life of those affected. In addition, the study provides insight into future personality development.
Personality influences hearing aid decisions.
Attitudes toward hearing loss and hearing aids depend heavily on individual personalities. It is well known that older people with hearing loss who use hearing aids live happier, healthier, and even longer lives than those who do not choose to use them. Even so, only a minority (about 23%) of adults with hearing loss seek help or use hearing aids. Despite the obvious benefits, why is it that some people want to actively improve their situation while others do not? According to one study, when it comes to complex issues such as hearing loss, people who use hearing aids are typically more pragmatic, more experienced, and less interested in alternative therapies. In addition, these people usually have a lot of strength in dealing with life issues. They also need less support from others in coping with difficult or stressful situations than people with normal hearing in the same age group. The study was conducted by the U.S. Veterans Affairs Medical Center, which examined the personalities of people who purchased hearing aids to determine if they were any different from the general population.
Better treatment.
Addressing different mindsets, feelings and behaviors can help doctors and other hearing care professionals identify those who are hard of hearing, who opt out of treatment, and provide better services for all patients. A better understanding of different personalities can improve the efficiency of services, as advice and treatment can be tailored to the individual, resulting in better care and therefore a better quality of life.
People who hear well maintain mental health.
The task of hearing is to convert tones and noises into electrical stimuli that the brain can process. If less noise enters the brain, this can lead to cognitive loss, i.e. a decrease in the brain’s performance. In order to maintain mental health, it is therefore important that hearing tests are also performed during health care. In this way, deterioration in hearing can be identified at an early stage and appropriate countermeasures can be taken.
Hearing impairment can reduce communication skills.
However, people who are hard of hearing are mainly limited by their ability to communicate. Phone calls or doorbells are becoming more frequent. In order to be able to participate in a conversation, auditory voices must be constantly interrogated.
However, they prefer not to participate in the conversation in order not to draw negative attention to themselves. But just listening is even more exhausting. Those affected by the tires quit.
Lower the threshold of inhibition by training to wear hearing aids.
Hearing impairment and hearing aids may be the subject of training, especially in mixed-age teams. Younger colleagues can be made aware of the situation. For older people, the inhibition threshold for wearing hearing aids can be lowered.
Longer life expectancy with the help of hearing aids.
Older men with hearing loss have a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to men without hearing loss. That was the result of an Icelandic study. However, the use of hearing aids significantly reduced the risk of death, so that there was little difference in mortality compared to those with normal hearing.
Hearing Aids Elite’s mission is to provide people with low-cost hearing aids that can help those who struggle with hearing loss enjoy a better quality of life. We not only make some of the world’s highest quality hearing aids but through innovation and uncompromising manufacturing standards, we provide those hearing aids at an accessible, affordable price for all, regardless of economic status. FDA-Registered: Both MDHearingAid and Phonak are FDA-registered hearing aids, which means they are medical-grade hearing aids designed to effectively treat hearing loss conditions. No Office Visit Required: Both hearing aid brands empower hearing loss patients to treat their hearing loss conditions without visiting an audiologist or hearing clinic. Both manufacturers allow you to order hearing aids from home over the internet. Our affordable line of hearing aids has a Risk-Free – 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and is equipped with advanced features and technology comparable to hearing aids which cost thousands of dollars – for a fraction of the price. We have helped thousands of satisfied customers address their hearing loss and move forward on their journey to better hearing – while saving up to 92% compared to other brands. Each Hearing Aids Elite hearing aid we sell is backed by a rock-solid one-year manufacturer’s warranty. If they become defective or stop working, we will fix them or replace them at no cost.
Hearing increases well-being.
The findings underscore the importance of accepting and treating hearing loss in older adults. Previous studies have shown that extroverts lead happy lives. The researchers concluded that the link between hearing loss and social withdrawal appears to be a reasonable threat to the health of older adults.